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The Mini Hotelier

Did you know you have a mini-hotelier on your staff?

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“Our website doesn’t reflect the quality or standards of our on-site experience”

Many hoteliers, GM’s and marketing managers have mentioned this to us in our meetings.

We have a small thought experiment to help you out:

Imagine your hotel brand and website as a mini-hotelier.

A member of your staff that has a role and responsibilities, just like everyone else on-property.

One that is focused on the providing an inspiring and  engaging experience before a visitor books.

Running the show for you.

While you’re asleep

While you’re busy serving guests

While you’re on vacation during the low season

What kind of experience is the mini hotelier providing?

Do you trust it to act well on behalf of your property?

Is it acting in a way that is a good reflection of how you serve guests on site?

Is it putting roadblocks or frustrations in the way of the guest’s curiosity?

How is it communicating to them?

Is it bland and neutral?

Or inspiring and connected?

Is it providing them all the information they need?

Now, think about your booking distribution

OTA vs Direct

If more than 60% of your bookings are coming through OTAs

It’s  likely theres an issue with your mini-hotelier than needs to be addressed.

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