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Are Your Hotel Brand & Website Trustworthy?

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Travellers are looking to create relationships with brands that understand their core values.

That have a sense of community and spirit.

And are delivering an experience, not just a room with amenities (that many other properties have).

Here are some big, important numbers to keep in mind:

93% of consumers make shopping decisions based on brand trust.

88% of them also say they recommend trusted brands to friends and family.

How can hotels take advantage?

Focus on building trust through:

  • Understanding your guests core desires, values, and expectations
  • Consistent messaging / copywriting, visual style, and photography
  • High standards and quality in brand design and website experience
  • Providing information and content your guest is looking for (FAQs, F&B menus, Policies, etc)

A hotel’s greatest areas of leverage to build trust, before the booking:

  • Website
  • Social Media
  • Partner List / Soft Brand / Collection
  • Reviews

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Are Guests Surprised by Your Hotel?

The Mini Hotelier

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