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Hotel Branding vs Hotel Marketing

Are You Wasting Your Money?

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Hoteliers, stop paying for ads if your brand and website experience aren’t optimized.

Yes, paying for eyeballs might bring more people to your site in total.

But if your brand looks like it hasnt been thoughtfully designed...

And your website appears outdated or dysfunctional

You’re burning money.

And your reputation.

You may think that marketing tactics such as social media or google ads are important.

It’s what visitors first see that drive them to your website.

Its true.

They do help with traffic.

Which is something all hospitality brands need.

But the brand is what delivers the booking at its core.

Think about it like falling in love.

We all know what thats like.

You fall in love with someones soul.

Not their physical appearance (although that might help, at the start).

Marketing tactics are the appearance of your property. They’re short-term, fading.

Brand is the soul of your property. It’s consistent, enduring.

Are you showing your true ‘soul’ to your guests?

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Are Your Hotel Brand & Website Trustworthy?

Hotel Linguistic Cheat Codes

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