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Hotels, is Your 'House Broken'?

Let's have a look inside

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Hoteliers and GMs, is your ‘house’ broken?

Consider this:

Would you invite someone to your house thats messy, disorganized, no running water, no electricity, and a bathroom with no lock?

That doesn’t sound welcoming does it?

Ofcourse not.

How would that reflect on you as a person?

Is it an accurate reflection of who you are?

What would those people who visited tell their friends about you?

Would anyone even want to visit at all?

Have an honest look at your ‘house’.

Is it broken?

It might be.

Your ‘house’ is not only your physical property, but your website, brand and online presence.

Your ‘house’ is your brand experience as a whole.

It's likely that you deliver a fantastic on-site experience.

But your digital ‘property’ may be turning people away.

This is what various interviews with hotel GMs and owners revealed to us.

Their website does not reflect the quality and standards of their on-site experience.

Which led to:

  • Frustration and worry.
  • A lack of confidence in sending people to their website.
  • No pride in how they are being presented online.
  • Understanding that this is hindering the ability to get higher direct bookings.

Are you experiencing similar issues?

If so, we’ve worked on a solution to those problems.

Our flagship program - Branded & Booked.

To learn more, schedule a complimentary Guest Impact Audit™ using this link

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